Water JPI Vision 2030 and updated SRIA published
The new vision “Together for a Water-secure World”, of the Joint Programming Initiative on Water Challenges for a Changing World, was published recently. The vision describes what the Water JPI aims to achieve during the next 10-year period and sets out the roadmap for all Water JPI activities, taking into account the main trends and the key drivers and challenges in relation to our water resources. In addition, the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), has been updated. The SRIA 2025 resulted from a comprehensive and extensive consultative process, which built on the three previous iterations of the SRIA. The core research themes being addressed by the Water JPI in the SRIA 2025 are Ecosystems, Health and Wellbeing, Water Value and Usage and Sustainable Water Management. Each of the core themes will in turn form part of an Implementation Plan with descriptions of tasks and indicators.
You can download the Vision 2030 and SRIA2025 here.
More information is available at the Water JPI website.