Urban Accessibility and Connectivity research rewarded
Fifteen new research projects have been recommended for funding in the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC), one of the cofunds under the JPI Urban Europe. Under the call, researchers, cities, municipalities, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders were invited to build transnational consortia to create challenge-driven innovation and research projects. The main challenges that needed to be addressed were sustainable urban passenger mobility, freight, transport and connectivity as integral and essential parts of sustainable urban development. The projects are expected to start in the beginning of next year.
The recommended projects are:
ASAP – Awaken Sleeping Assets Project;
CATAPULT – PoliCies for inclusive, demand-oriented and target group-specific automated mobility solutions for cities;
COCOMO1 – COmpeting and COmplementary MObility solutions in urban contexts;
DyMoN – Dynamic Mobility Nudge: Shaping sustainable urban mobility behaviour with real-time, user-generated and public open data;
EASIER – Seamless sustainable everyday urban mobility;
EX-TRA1 – EXperimenting with city streets to TRAnsform urban mobility
GeoSence – Geofencing strategies for implementation in urban traffic management and planning;
ITEM1 – Inclusive Transition towards Electric Mobility;
JUSTICE – Joining Urban morphology, Spatio-Temporal and socio-cognitive accessibility for an Inclusive City Environment;
MyFairShare – Individual Mobility Budgets as a Foundation for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction;
SmartHubs1 – Smart Mobility Hubs as Game Changers in Transport;
SORTEDMOBILITY1 – Self-Organized Rail Traffic for the Evolution of Decentralized MOBILITY;
TAP for uncertain futures1 – Using Triple Access Planning to Enhance Urban Accessibility and Connectivity in the Face of Deep Uncertainty;
TuneOurBlock – Transforming urban quarters to human scale environments;
WalkUrban - Walkable Urban Neighbourhoods – Freeing up Potential for Sustainable and Active Travel by Improving Walking and its Connections with Public Transport.
1In these projects, Dutch researchers participate
Read more about the projects on the JPI Urban Europe website.