New research called for on prevention of unhealthy weight gain
The HDHL-INTIMIC ERA-NET has pre-announced the launch of a 3rd additional non-cofunded joint funding activity ‘Prevention of unhealthy weight gain and obesity during crucial phases throughout the lifespan’ (PREPHOBES). The call intends to fund transnational research consortia to provide insights on innovative strategies to prevent or reduce overweight and obesity in defined target populations based on certain life stages. Proposals should have a holistic, multi-disciplinary and solution oriented approach, focussing on one or more crucial phase(s) throughout the lifespan such as transition periods (for example from prenatal to postnatal phase/infancy, pre-school to school age, adolescence to early adulthood) or critical life events (for example moving, marriage, recovering from disease, migration). To increase the impact of the research and facilitate its later use in future policies on lifestyle interventions and public health, this call strongly encourages the active integration of stakeholders (e.g. patient and/or consumer organisations) or citizen science approaches. Stakeholder partners should be engaged in the research process from conception of the study to dissemination and implementation.
At this stage, 11 funding agencies from 10 different countries intend to support this call, including the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw). The call is expected to be launched on January 27th, 2020. Pre-proposal deadline is expected to be April 3rd, 2020, full proposal deadline is expected in mid-July 2020.
More information including the pre-call announcement is available at the dedicated HDHL webpage for this call.