New obesity research starting soon
Four research consortia are selected for funding under the PREPHOBES call, launched at the beginning of 2020 by the Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’. The aim of the call was support research on the development, implementation and evaluation of innovative strategies designed to prevent or reduce overweight and obesity in defined target populations based on certain life stages. A specific additional requirement was the active integration stakeholders (such as patient or consumer organisations) or citizen science approaches. This in order to increase the impact of the research and facilitate its later use in future policies on lifestyle interventions and public health.The selected project consortia include 22 research groups from 8 participating countries (AT, BE, CZ, FR, DE, IR, NL and ES) and 8 collaborators that will participate with their own resources. The total budget amounts to EUR 4.6 million. A joint kick-off meeting is foreseen in Spring 2021.
The announcement is available for further reading on the HDHL website.