Exploring new research opportunities for 'Circularity'
The ERA-NETs SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS, ICT-AGRI-FOOD, following the succes of their first joint call for research, have announced a new one in the exploration phase, this time together with the ERA-NET SusCrop. This new joint transnational action shall focus on circularity and mixed crop/livestock farming systems. The goal is to investigate prospects of land use optimisation through circularity concepts of combined crop and livestock farming, i.e. to try to use synergies between crop and livestock production while recognising the limitations.
Currently, a writing team is developing the call text involving partners of all four ERA-NETs in this process. In parallel, partners have been asked for their interest and for commitment to supporting this common call. The European Commission is also in favour of this call, which covers a broad theme on 'circularity' while marshalling resources, capacities and funds. The launch of the call is currently foreseen for the end of this year or the beginning of 2021.
Read more in the ICT-AGRI-FOOD Newsletter, available at their website.