Urban Migration research upcoming
Under the Urban Migration call from the Joint Programming Initiative on Urban Europe, eight projects have been selected for funding. The projects consist of transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral communities of researchers and practitioners. The goal is to create projects that align, synthesise, or consolidate already existing knowledge on urban migration across disciplines on national and local levels. Participating countries in this call are Austria, Germany, Latvia, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
The eight projects are:
- The EMPOWER project - Empowering Cities of Migration: new methods for citizen involvement and socio-spatial integration;
- LoReMi: Local Responses to Precarious Migrants: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices in Europe;
- ProSHARE: Enhancing Diversity, Inclusion and Social Cohesion through Practices of Sharing in Housing and Public Space;
- MAPURBAN: Migrant Mobility and Access to Public Urban Resources;
- Inclusive Housing - Inclusive Housing policies: Housing is the beginning;
- MICOLL: Migration and housing: meeting refugees’ housing needs through collaborative housing programmes;
- HOUSE-IN: The Housing-Integration-Nexus: shaping exchange and innovation for migrants’ access to housing and social inclusion;
- The Art of Belonging: Social integration of young migrants in urban contexts through cultural place-making.
Read more on the projects at the JPI Urban Europe dedicated webpages.