Start of projects funded by first internal call of EJP SOIL
In February 2021, ten project started in the first internal call of European Joint Programme Cofund 'Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils' (EJP SOIL). This call was launched in 2020 with as overall objective to fund research projects open to EJP SOIL partners and linked third parties according to the consortium agreement to fill research and development gaps identified by the EJP SOIL`s “Roadmap for EU Agricultural Soil Management research”. The roadmap is a stocktaking exercise that set the baseline of available knowledge and helps to identify knowledge gaps. Wageningen University & Research is participating in 8 of the projects and is leading the project SIREN.
The objectives of EJP SOIL are to develop knowledge, tools and an integrated research community to foster climate-smart sustainable agricultural soil management that allows sustainable food production, sustains soil biodiversity and sustains soil functions that preserves ecosystem services. The EJP SOIL consortium consists of 26 leading European research institutes and universities from 24 countries. The coordinator is INRAE, France and the deputy coordinator is WUR, the Netherlands.
Visit the EJP Soil website for more information on the projects.