One Health interventions on antimicrobial resistance
An international call for projects under the umbrella of the Joint Programming Initiative on Anti-microbial resistance (JPIAMR) has opened. The call advocates for a One Health approach to understand the impact of interventions on the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance, and to design, implement, evaluate, and compare interventions. Key is that such interventions will have a true impact on preventing or reducing the development and transmission of antibiotic resistance in and between the different One Health settings (human, animal, environment).
Thirty agencies and organisations from twenty-one JPIAMR member countries, including the Netherlands, are participating in this call. The partners have, together with the European Commission, raised a total estimated budget of almost EUR 25 million. The deadline for pre-proposal submission is the 2nd of March, for full proposals the 29th of June.
More information is available at the dedicated JPIAMR webpage.