JPI HDHL announces new research
The joint programming initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ is announcing two new joint research opportunities.
Under the ERA-net ERA-HDHL a new 5th call is expected on ‘Addressing adverse and beneficial effects of food ingredients and food processing on hypersensitivities to food’ (FOOD_HYPERSENS). The call will address how food ingredients and food processing methods could favour or prevent the occurrence of food intolerances and allergies in society. At present, nine funding agencies from eight different countries intend to support this transnational call, which will be launched on the 2nd of February. The proposal submission deadline is the 8th of April.
Also HDHL-INTIMIC will be launching a new, 4th joint call on ‘Standardised measurement, monitoring and/or biomarkers to study food intake, physical activity and health’ (STAMIFY). It will be funding dedicated, scientifically excellent transnational research projects that develop improved methods and tools designed to assess and monitor diet and physical activity in order to provide better dietary and physical activity recommendations and guidelines, and therefore help promote a healthier lifestyle. At present, ten funding agencies from eight different countries intend to support this call. Pre-proposal submission date will be the 31st of March 31th, full proposal submission date will be the 22nd of July.
More information about the calls will be available on the HDHL website.