Harvesting SCAR working group studies
The Standing Committee for Agricultural Research is a long-standing source of advice on European agricultural and wider bioeconomy research, along with being a catalyst for the coordination of national research programmes. SCAR delivers through various (working) groups, each with its own responsibilities but, ultimately, reporting to the six-monthly plenary meeting of the official national delegates of the thirty-seven members. From 2017 to 2019, an impulse was provided through CASA, a support action for SCAR on a number of challenges. In frame of this impulse, 17 studies were conducted to support the working groups. All studies (pending one) are now available.
The studies were done as requested by the Working Groups and the Foresight Group. They contain a wealth of state-of-art information and analyses. Studies cover all areas of the Working Groups, ranging from Fish Welfare Research to Bioeconomy Monitoring Systems in EU member states. Also, preparatory analyses have been conducted for the upcoming 5th Foresight exercise. Experts from across Europe have been involved in these studies, including experts from Wageningen University and Research. They have, amongst others, contributed to a number of studies on research and innovation infrastructures in Europe and on the global implications of the European Food System.
The studies are available through the SCAR website and the dedicated jointprogramming.nl webpage.
1SCAR currently has seven Strategic Working Groups: AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems), ARCH (Agricultural Research for greater impact on global CHallenges), FISH (aquatic systems), BSW (bioeconomy), Food Systems and Forestry. There are two Collaborate Working Groups: SAP (Sustainable Animal Production) and AHW (Animal Health and Welfare). A special group: Foresight, is overseeing the SCAR Foresight Exercises.