All news items
April 9, 2020
JPI MYBL: European and international collaboration is more necessary than ever
April 6, 2020
New research on ‘Cultural Heritage, Identities & Perspectives’
April 3, 2020
SUSFOOD2 and CORE Organic Cofund joint call in next phase
April 2, 2020
ERA CoBioTech third call for transnational research proposals open
April 2, 2020
Networking to combat Antimicrobial Resistance stimulated
March 19, 2020
Update for the SuSCrop second joint transnational call
March 16, 2020
EJP Soil kicks off
March 16, 2020
EJP Rare Diseases Networking Scheme
March 16, 2020
FIT4FOOD2030 webinar on Responsible Research and Innovation in the food systems
March 14, 2020
Research consortia and partnerships respond to COVID-19 research needs